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A styled container that groups related content and actions.

Cards are used to group related information and actions in a consistently styled container.

A common use case of cards is in a grid of items that presents some but not all the data connected to each item; such as news articles, or as in the contrived example below, a user's connected organisations.

The @eds/card package provides a set of primitive components to help compose cards in a flexible but consistent way.

  • <Card />: A flexbox container that provides opinionated border and background styles. Supports hiding the border and other props.
  • <CardHeader />: A flexbox container to be used as the first child inside the Card component. Supports spacing and divider.
  • <CardBody />: A flexbox container to be used as the only or second child inside the Card component. Supports spacing.
  • <CardFooter />: A flexbox container to be used as the last child inside the Card component. Supports spacing and divider.

NOTE: It's recommended to always use a CardBody inside the Card, even if other child components aren't needed for your use case.


By default, the Card component comes with a solid border around the container. Use the hideBorder prop when the card is placed on a darker background.

Use the divider prop on the CardHeader and CardFooter components respectively, to visually separate them from the CardBody's content.

Use the spacing prop in the CardHeader, CardBody and CardFooter components to control the spacing around the contents of the element.

There are four options for spacing; large, medium (default), small and none. Use large or medium spacing for larger cards, and small spacing for smaller cards.

The none spacing is ideal when incorporating elements that need to span the full width from the left to the right edge, such as images:

The <Card /> component supports all of the FlexProps, except:

  • flexDirection
  • backgroundColor
  • borderRadius
  • overflow
  • borderColor
  • borderStyle
  • borderWidth

See props for a full list of available props.