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Helps users understand what the content of the page is about. The PageHeader should always be at the top of a page.

The <PageHeader /> component contains breadcrumbs, a heading, a divider, and optional actions. It's ideal for pages with singular actions like adding a new page, editing an existing one, or viewing detailed information.

You can further customise the <PageHeader /> component by adding features to better suit different use-cases. The table below provides more context on when and how to use these customisations:

When to use
With actions
Global actions that apply to the entire page can be placed in the PageHeader. To learn more about these actions, refer to the actions guide.
With avatar
Avatars can be paired with the heading for primary elements like user or company profiles. You can add it a contextual info when it is used as a secondary information.
With contextual info
Contextual information in the PageHeader comprises secondary details such as tags, badges, labels, avatar, links, etc. Read contextual info guide for more details.
With tabs
Tabs allow users to navigate between different views within the same context. Read tabs guide for more details.

Global actions that apply to the entire page can be placed in the PageHeader. Actions use the <ActionsGroup /> component.

Contextual information can be incorporated below the heading. This space allows for the utilisation of the elements such as small-sized text, standalone links, link buttons, icons, tags, badges, or avatars, depending on the specific use case.

Badges can be used to convey status, while tags are used to highlight the most pertinent information. Separator is used between each contextual info item for easy navigation and enhancing visual clarity.

Text can be swapped with three properties: Value only, Label:Value, and <xsmall Icon>:Value.

The PageHeader includes support for navigational tabs. Enable this functionality by passing an array of NavigationalTabItemProps from Tabs as tabs.

When tabs are used, the layout spans the entire width of the container. The divider extends from the left edge to the right edge of the container.

When adding a new page/record, the PageHeader should display the appropriate heading to indicate the action being taken. The heading will be "Add," followed by the specific page/record name. For instance, if you're adding a new category, the heading should display "Add category." If you're adding a new external training entry, it should read "Add external training." This ensures clarity for users regarding the type of content they are creating.

If the page is for viewing or editing purposes, do not add "Edit" in the heading. The heading will be the category name, for example, "Alpha accreditation program," as shown below.