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A brief notification that doesn't disrupt or require an action.

A <Toast /> displays a temporary feedback notification overlay at the top right of the user's screen. They are meant to be noticed without disrupting a user's experience or requiring an action to be taken.

Use the tone prop to communicate whether the triggering action was successful (positive) or unsuccessful (critical).

In small viewports (>= 576px), toast notifications slide in and out from the top right of the screen, with xsmall space (0.5rem/8px) between each. New toast notifications should appear at the top of the list, with older notifications being pushed down until they are dismissed.

A toast notification positioned 64px from the top and 32px from the right hand side of a viewport

In xsmall viewports (< 576px), the toast notifications slide in and out from the bottom center of the screen.

A toast notification positioned 32px from the bottom of a viewport and with a margin of 16px to each side

Toaster have a minWidth of 16rem/256px and maxWidth of 25rem/400px.

In xsmall viewports, the width of the modal will consume 100% of the container with a 1rem/16px margin on each side.

A message is required in order to render a toast. Messages need to be a string wrapped in the toastMessage function - you can import this function alongside the toast component. It's best to keep messages succinct.

By default, the toast comes with a "dismiss" button in the form of a close icon. You can optionally add an action button which requires buttonText and onClickButton props to be set. Also available is a link which requires both a linkText and linkHref.

Toasts are set to auto-dismiss after 5 seconds by default, but hovering over a toast prevents this automatic dismissal. Alternatively, users can simply click the close icon to dismiss the toast instantly.