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Floating labels that briefly explain the function of a user interface element.

This <Tooltip /> component is primarily used to provide a hint or tip on what a tool or other interaction does. They are meant to clarify or help you use the element they are displayed over.

If you need to display interactive content inside the tooltip, use the Popover component instead.

  • The tooltip shows after 300 ms after hovering over the trigger.
  • It displays instantly on keyboard focus of the trigger.
  • It remains visible when hovering over the tooltip itself.
  • It closes on ESC keypress, tabbing away or hovering outside.
  • It has a max width of 16rem which will make the label text wrap to multiple lines if overflowing.

Keep the tooltip's label short, informative and clear. As a rule of thumb, it should never contain any crucial information the user needs to complete their task, but merely act as an aid to help the user gain confidence when they seek it out.

Tooltips are most commonly used around interactive elements. EDS supports tooltips around the <Button />, <ButtonLink /> and <Link /> components in particular. Simply wrap your interactive trigger with a <Tooltip /> and you're good to go.

If your tooltip label contains additional information that is not conveyed in the interactive trigger's label or placeholder, remember to set ariaHidden={false} to make sure screen readers announce the tooltip label.

EDS recommends to not use tooltips to explain what an icon-only button means or does. If the icon is not considered intuitive enough for sighted users, then always consider having a visual label on the button.

However – sometimes it's unavoidable due to limited screen real estate and when the icons used are considered intuitive enough for experienced users – in which case a tooltip makes it more inclusive. In this situation it's important that the icon-only button label conveys the same thing as the tooltip label – they both should describe what the button does – because they will be presented in separate ways depending on the type of user.

  • Sighted users are able to read the tooltip label on button hover or focus.
  • Non-sighted users are able to read the button label on button focus. The tooltip has a default ariaHidden = true for this reason, to avoid announcing what the button does twice by screen readers.

Tooltips can in rare cases be used on non-interactive elements, for example a piece of text. Since they natively can't receive focus you need to set the nonInteractiveChild prop to true, which renders a <div tabindex="0" /> around the children to enable keyboard accessibility and ensure that data-state and aria-describedby props can be spread onto the focusable element.

NOTE: Doing this might annoy keyboard-only users as it adds an unexpected focus stop when tabbing through interactive elements (buttons, inputs, links etc). Also make sure to adjust the ariaHidden prop to false so that assistive tech can read out the tooltip label if it contains additional content.

Although EDS recommends against "hiding" information in a tooltip over just an icon, sometimes it's unavoidable. Always consider other ways to present this information before reaching for an icon + tooltip.

In the example below, we show how to use a tooltip around an <InformativeIcon /> whilst remaining an accessible experience for mouse pointer, keyboard-only and screen reader users (with caveats).

  • Pointer users are able to hover over the icon to read the tooltip label.
  • Keyboard-only users are able to tab to the icon to read the tooltip label.
  • Screen reader users are able to navigate via keyboard arrows to the <VisuallyHidden /> element to read the tooltip label. NOTE: If they tab to the icon (which is an unexpected focus stop) they will also hear the tooltip label but won't be able to follow any screen readers instructions that might be announced.

EDS generally recommends against disabling buttons or other interactive elements, because it forces the user to find the reason why they're disabled. In most cases, it's better to let the interactive element always be enabled, and if the interaction it triggers fails or is not available, then let the user know why with a Notice or a Toast instead.

However – in some cases this might not be a good viable option. Then we recommend to provide a tooltip around the disabled element to let the user know instantly why it's not available.

Since disabled elements natively can't receive focus, you need to add the nonInteractiveChild prop and ariaHidden={false} to the <Tooltip /> that wraps your disabled button.

Use the side and align props to set the position of the tooltip in relation to the trigger. Its default position in relation to the trigger is "bottom center".

NOTE: The positioning will automatically be overridden if the tooltip can't fit within the viewport. If you need to prevent this, you can set the forcePosition prop to true, although it's recommended to leave it as is.

If you're getting positioning issues when wrapping an element with the tooltip it's most likely because the tooltip is placed in a container element with a display mode that controls the layout of its children, such as Flexbox or CSS Grid.

The parent container (<Grid />) does not define any align/justify properties and will by default stretch any children on the x- and/or y-axis, in this case the <div> that wraps the Tooltip's children to make them interactive.

Try hovering over or tabbing to the badge in the example below to see the issue.

The simplest solution is to wrap the <Tooltip /> in a <Box /> which will cause the parent Grid to stretch the Box instead.

A similar but different issue can occur when the parent container is a block element, but you're trigger (children of the Tooltip) is an inline-flex element.

Try hovering over or tabbing to the badge in the example below to see the issue.

To fix this, simply make the parent container use Flexbox instead.