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24 January 2023

Added the @eds/avatar, @eds/empty-state, @eds/tabs, @eds/toggle packages. Updates to the @eds/badge, @eds/box, @eds/checkbox, @eds/select-input, @eds/scroll-wrap, @eds/radio, @eds/heading, @eds/menu, @eds/link, @eds/icon packages.
major - 4.0.0

Initial release of the @eds/avatar package.

The <Avatar /> component is used to visually represent a user in your application.

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major - 4.0.0

Initial release of the @eds/empty-state package.

The <EmptyState /> component is used when there is no data to be displayed.

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major - 4.0.0

Initial release of the @eds/tabs package.

Semantic tabs are an easy way to organise content by grouping similar information on the same page. This allows content to be viewed without having to navigate away from that page.

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major - 4.0.1

Initial release of the @eds/toggle package.

Use the <Toggle /> component for binary actions that occur immediately after the user "flips the switch".

minor - 4.1.0

Improvement: New weight prop added to control visual weight.

minor - 4.1.0

Added DesignIcon to the icons package.

Clarified the className prop description.

minor - 4.1.0

Select option to be disabled color when is selected but disabled

Feature: Add new isMulti feature to SelectInput component.

patch - 4.0.1

Clarified the className prop description.

patch - 4.0.1

Connected the label with the input using the htmlFor and id props. Added auto-generated id if not provided. Fixes className prop overriding component styles.

patch - 4.0.1

Fixes bug where using className prop would override the fontsize and margin style in the component. Adds another example of as prop usage to README.

patch - 4.0.1

Updated the paddingY prop's TSDoc comment to reference the responsive prop syntax instead of breakpoint syntax.

patch - 4.0.1

Swapped out existing box component avatar with new avatar component

patch - 4.0.1

Connected the label with the input using the htmlFor and id props. Added auto-generated id if not provided. Fixes className prop overriding component styles.

patch - 4.0.1

Fix: Moved scroll indicators to below the scrolling container to fix layering issue.