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1 March 2023

Added the @eds/popover package. Updates to the @eds/select-dropdown, @eds/select-input, @eds/icon & @eds/table packages.
major - 4.1.0

New component: Initial release of the @eds/popover package.

The <Popover /> component is used to provide additional information or actions when screen real estate is limited. When triggered, it displays an overlaying content element that is positioned relative to its trigger element.

minor - 4.2.0

Feature: Exported the createIcon function which can be used to make your own SVG icon components with EDS styles, like size and color.

minor - 4.1.0
  • Feature: Improved the rendering of the SelectDropdown to appear in a portal.
  • Feature: Added the side and align props to give you control of where the SelectDropdown is rendered.
  • Feature: Added the hideSearchInput prop which hides the text input in the SelectDropdown.
minor - 4.2.0

Feature: Added compatibility for the hideSearchInput prop from the SelectDropdown.

minor - 4.1.0

Improvement: this update brings more options to the @eds/table components.

  • Added colSpan and rowSpan support to columnSettings and the TableCell.
  • Added the TableHead, TableBody and TableFoot components for semantically correct tables.
  • Added width, minWidth, maxWidth, fillContainer & divider props to the Table.
  • Updated the TableHeaderCell for better a11y support when the column is sortable.
  • Settings can now be applied to the Table, column (via columnSettings) or to TableCells directly.
  • When columnSettings are supplied it is no longer required to give every cell in the table a columnName.
  • Completely rewrote the README.
  • Refactored the layout styles of the underlying Table components to support colSpan and rowSpan.
  • Added a depreciated flag to the block prop as making the table fill its container does not make it block anymore, it makes the table minWidth 100%. The block prop still works to make the table full width, and a new fillContainer prop has been added for clarity.
  • Removed the now-unnecessary role attributes from the table components.
  • Set the TableCell and TableHeaderCell components to use border-box for boxSizing so a column width of 10rem is 10rem including padding. This is required for a future frozen/sticky column update.