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20 March 2023

Added the @eds/tooltip package. Updates to the @eds/breadcrumbs, @eds/table, @eds/menu, @eds/select-input, @eds/pagination, @eds/modal, @eds/button, @eds/link packages.
major - 4.0.0

Initial release of the @eds/tooltip package.

This <Tooltip /> component is primarily used to provide a hint or tip on what a tool or other interaction does. They are meant to clarify or help you use the element they are displayed over.

major - 5.0.0

Pagination is now a controlled component and defaults to a 1 based index.

  • As a controlled component the currentPage and currentItemsPerPage props are now required.
  • The documentation for Pagination has been extended to include interactive examples of these changes.

Updating from 4.x to 5.x:

  • If you have a 1 based index API and were modifying the page number you received from the onPageUpdate function by adding 1, you will no longer need the "+1". If you wish to continue using 0 based indexing you can set the indexBased prop to 0.
  • currentPage is now a required prop.
  • currentItemsPerPage is now a required prop.
  • initialPage is deprecated, use a default value in your useState for currentPage instead.
  • initialItemsPerPage is deprecated, use a default value in your useState for currentItemsPerPage instead.

Why the breaking change? The most common use for Pagination is connecting to 1 based index pagination APIs. This will simplify application codebases that are consuming the Pagination component. Additionally, converting the component to controlled allows currentPage and currentItemsPerPage to be controlled more freely, while still leaving extensive validity checks up to the Pagination component.

Other updates

  • Added ItemsPerPageOption to exported types in Pagination.
minor - 4.1.0
  • Added new component CustomButton, used to build case-specific buttons.
  • Added providerOverrides prop to the <ButtonLink /> component, to support routing frameworks link component prop overriding in specific instances.
minor - 4.1.0

Added ref forwarding and providerOverrides prop to the <Link /> component, to support routing frameworks link component prop overriding in specific instances.

patch - 4.0.4

Added more types to the types export list.

patch - 4.0.4

Added more types to the types export list.

patch - 4.0.4

Removed redundant duplicate z-index from the <BaseModal /> component.

patch - 4.2.1
  • Added GroupBase, OptionProps, Awaitable to exported types.
  • Added portalling to prevent the select-input dropdown being cut when placed in a container with overflow:hidden
patch - 4.1.1

Added more types to the types export list.