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21 April 2023

Added the @eds/filtering package. Updates to the @eds/select-input, @eds/select-dropdown, @eds/table, @eds/toggle, @eds/filtering, @eds/button, @eds/scroll-wrap packages.
major - 4.0.1

Initial release of the @eds/filtering package.

The filtering package will be used for components to help consumers implement common filtering patterns.

To start it provides a custom button for all filters.

The <AllFiltersButton /> component is a button made specifically for opening a modal containing all available filters in a view.

minor - 4.2.0

Feature: Added new component SelectDropdownButton to the @eds/select-dropdown package. Feature: Added multi-select as an option for the SelectDropdown. Feature: Added an option to have a clear button on the SelectDropdown. Feature: Added optional label prop to the SelectDropdown, which renders a SelectDropdownButton when used, and automatically displays the selected dropdown value inside the button label. Feature: Made trigger an optional prop that can be used when not using the label prop. Improvement: Updated the multi-select style for SelectDropdown and SelectInput to be the new checkbox style.

minor - 4.2.0


  • Added new stickyHeader and maxHeight props to support sticky table header.
  • Added support for automatic sticky columns when defined via the columnSettings prop.
minor - 4.1.0

Added optional label and ariaLabelledBy props to make it easier to implement accessible toggles.

minor - 4.1.0

Feature: Added new props shadowOffsetLeft, shadowOffsetRight, shadowOffsetBreakpoint to support custom scroll indicator positions. Added prop maxHeight to support vertical scroll within the ScrollWrap container.

patch - 4.1.1

Preventing button labels from wrapping characters/words to new line in Button and AllFiltersButton.

patch - 4.2.2

Improvement: Added null type to the SharedSelectProps value prop.

Updated the multi-select style for SelectDropdown and SelectInput to be the new checkbox style.