2 May 2023
Added the @eds/date-input package. Updates to the @eds/blanket, @eds/table, @eds/a11y, @eds/select-input packages.major - 4.0.0
Initial release of the @eds/date-input package.
The <DateInput /> component pairs a text input component with a calendar view to help users enter a date.
It also provides the <DateRangeInput /> component.
minor - 4.1.0
- Feature: Exported the VisuallyHidden component's styles so the styles can be used directly on components.
minor - 4.3.0
Improvement: Added custom style options to the useReactSelectStylesOverride hook.
minor - 4.3.0
- Feature: Added new sort props onSortChange and sort to the TableHeaderCell component to enable controlled column sorting.
- Feature: Added selectable rows props and functionality.
- Feature: Added useSelectAll hook to manage indeterminate state easier when implementing selectable rows.
- Feature: Exposed sticky prop on TableHeaderCell and TableCell to support selectable rows sticky columns.
patch - 4.0.2
Fix: The fade-in animation will now only play on the first render.