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23 October 2023

Updates to the @eds/select-input, @eds/table, @eds/core, @eds/icon, @eds/filtering, @eds/accordion packages.
minor - 4.1.0

Adds new fontSize token xxsmall.

minor - 4.3.0

Adds new icons: ThemeIcon, DashboardIcon, DataImportIcon, PlayIcon, SSOIcon, PositionIcon, BulkImportIcon, AddUserIcon, ChecklistIcon.

minor - 4.4.0

Adds ability for new options to be created based on input value, via the isCreatable prop. Also adds new isValidNewOption that can be used in conjunction with isCreatable.

patch - 4.0.10

Added support for safari

patch - 4.0.11

Adds support for block prop as per other EDS buttons.

patch - 4.5.5

Fixes vertical alignment style in TableHeaderCell when used for Select all checkbox. Fixes squished cell in TableRow when percentage based column widths are set and implementing selectable rows.