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11 January 2024

Added the @eds/illustration, @eds/card packages. Updates to the @eds/checkbox, @eds/badge, @eds/bulk-action-bar, @eds/empty-state, @eds/address-input, @eds/a11y, @eds/file-input, @eds/select-input, @eds/radio, @eds/filtering packages.
major - 4.0.0

Initial release of the @eds/card package.

major - 4.0.0

Initial release of the @eds/illustration package.

minor - 4.2.0

Adds SkipTo component to help keyboard-only users jump to specific parts of a page.

minor - 4.2.0

Added onBlur prop support.

minor - 4.1.0

Adds spotIllustration prop, allowing an illustration from @eds/illustration to be displayed above title.

minor - 4.1.0

Adds support for FieldContext when used with Field component. Improves keyboard-only and screen reader accessibility.

minor - 4.6.0

Added onBlur prop support.

patch - 4.1.9

Fixes inaccessible color contrast on badges with tone caution.

patch - 4.0.11

Adds a fixed height on the X selected element for visual balance.

patch - 4.0.16

Makes the checkboxes wrap to next line when they can’t fit in container, when using horizontal prop.

patch - 4.1.2

Adds a fixed min-height to FilterBar to prevent layout shifts when only filter controls that are shorter than 2rem are passed.

patch - 4.0.16

Makes the radios wrap to next line when they can’t fit in container, when using horizontal prop.