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1 March 2024

Added the @eds/rich-text-editor package. Updates to the @eds/notice, @eds/rich-text-editor, @eds/select-dropdown, @eds/select-input, @eds/utils-nextjs, @eds/fieldset, @eds/toast, @eds/core, @eds/link, scripts, @eds/text, @eds/box packages.
major - 5.0.0

Notice component now supports links as actions or inside the description

major - 4.0.1

Initial release of the @eds/rich-text-editor package.

Input border token changed to use a darker grey

a11y updates

minor - 4.1.0

Text now by default breaks into multiple lines separated by hyphens when overflowing, also fixed issue for toast where toasts of different sizes were causing positioning issues when rendered together

Text component now renders a dash when there is no string

a11y updates

patch - 4.0.10

Text now by default breaks into multiple lines separated by hyphens when overflowing, also fixed issue for toast where toasts of different sizes were causing positioning issues when rendered together

a11y updates

patch - 4.1.2

Input border token changed to use a darker grey

a11y updates

patch - 4.0.10

Input border token changed to use a darker grey

a11y updates

patch - 4.1.8

Input border token changed to use a darker grey

a11y updates

patch - 4.4.3

Input border token changed to use a darker grey

Updates react select to close dropdown on scroll

a11y updates

patch - 4.6.1

Input border token changed to use a darker grey

Updates react select to close dropdown on scroll

a11y updates

patch - 4.0.19

Input border token changed to use a darker grey

Text now by default breaks into multiple lines separated by hyphens when overflowing, also fixed issue for toast where toasts of different sizes were causing positioning issues when rendered together

Updates react select to close dropdown on scroll

a11y updates

patch - 4.0.2

Input border token changed to use a darker grey

a11y updates

patch - 0.0.6

Input border token changed to use a darker grey

a11y updates