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13 August 2024

Added the @eds/page-header package. Updates to the @eds/fieldset, @eds/link, @eds/tabs, @eds/icon, @eds/tag, @eds/mdx-content-page, @eds/page-header, @eds/button packages.
major - 4.0.1

Initial release of the @eds/page-header package.

major - 5.0.0

Breaking: Reworded the tone prop to weight, and added informative and neutral tones to Tag Fixed: Added the weight prop in the tag component of the PageHeader

minor - 4.1.0


styles to use Headings

minor - 4.5.0

Added new Interview, Lock, SortList and Task icons.

patch - 4.3.3

Updated docs

patch - 4.1.10

Fixed: Applied the lineHeight prop to the Link component. Fixed: Corrected the type export in the Tabs component.

patch - 4.0.7

Updated Tag

patch - 4.0.21

Fixed: Applied the lineHeight prop to the Link component. Fixed: Corrected the type export in the Tabs component.